Welcome to home page for EdgeOnlineSales.com.
This is home site for my sales online of collectibles such as stamps, comics, books, and other items which I collect or have an interest in.
You can find my store on Bonanza.com at Bonanaza.com edgeonlinesales. There I sell all collectible items, not just stamps and comics.
You will find collectible stamps in my store at HipStamp.com, a new online market replacing BidStart.com: edgeonlinesales on HipStamp.com.
You will find collectible comics in my store at HipComic.com, a new online market replacing BidStart.com: edgeonlinesales on HipComic.com.
I also maintain an account but not a store on Ebay, and occasionally post items for sale: edgeonlinesales on Ebay.com.
Contact me by email at: edgeonlinesales at edgeinfotech.com.